What are the requirements to practice in Yukon as a Speech-Language Pathologist or Audiologist?
Currently, there are no requirements to work in Yukon as an SLP or Aud. However, some employers require applicants to maintain membership with another regulatory body (review list of Regulatory Bodies in Canada https://www.sac-oac.ca/regulatory-bodies-0). In addition to this, employers usually require applicants to maintain membership with Speech-Language & Audiology Canada (https://www.sac-oac.ca/membership-certification/become-member-0).
Is it mandatory to maintain membership with YSLPAA to work as a Speech-Language Pathologist or Audiologist in Yukon?
It is not mandatory to maintain membership with YSLPAA to work as an SLP/Aud in Yukon.
What are the requirements for Internationally Educated SLPs or Auds to work in Yukon?
Every employer in Yukon has their own requirements. Usually, it is required to maintain membership with SAC as a certified member or eligible for certification (https://www.sac-oac.ca/membership-certification/become-member-0) and/or with any Regulatory Body in Canada (https://www.sac-oac.ca/regulatory-bodies-0).
International Master’s degree holders can have their credentials assessed by SAC (https://www.sac-oac.ca/membership/internationally-educated/)
International Master’s degree holders who are members of ASHA, IASLT, NZSTA, Speech Pathology Australia or RCSLT can apply via MRA (https://www.sac-oac.ca/membership/mutual-recognition-agreement-mra/).​
Audiologists holding ASHA’s CCC, can apply directly to SAC via Recognition Agreement (https://www.sac-oac.ca/membership/internationally-educated/).
International Bachelor’s degree/Diploma/Certificate holders should apply to a Provincial Regulatory Body first, to evaluate their equivalency to Canadian Master’s degree SLP/Aud programs (https://www.sac-oac.ca/regulatory-bodies-0). Please note that some Regulatory Bodies may work with CAASPR to process their applications (https://caaspr.ca/). Once this is obtained, the applicant can apply to SAC directly as a member of a Regulatory Body (https://www.sac-oac.ca/membership/internationally-educated/).
Is there any requirement to practice in Yukon as a private SLP or Aud?
Currently, there are no requirements; however, some insurance companies and public agencies require private practitioners to maintain membership with YSLPAA or another Regulatory Body (https://www.sac-oac.ca/regulatory-bodies-0) in order to process reimbursements, patients’ benefits or government assistance.
Is there any requirement to provide telehealth services in Yukon?
Currently, there are no regulations to practice in Yukon as an Speech-Language Pathologist or Audiologist, thus a college registration or membership with SAC or YSLPAA is not required to provide telehealth services in the territory. Nevertheless, in order to be listed in our website and private practice list, you will be required to meet the YSLPAA membership requirements (https://www.yslpaa.org/how-to-become-a-member).
How do I become a YSLPAA member?
YSLPAA maintains joint membership with SAC. Thus, SLPs and Auds certified by, or eligible for certification by SAC are allowed membership with YSLPAA (https://www.sac-oac.ca/membership-certification/become-member-0). YSLPAA also includes individuals who are engaged in or trained in supportive functions in communication disorders, for example: Audiometric technician, hearing aid technician, SLP assistants, speech therapy aids, etc. Learn more here.
What are the YSLPAA’s membership dues in 2022?
Full membership: $50
Reduced hours member: $33.75
Late fees: $65
Students: $0